Our Commitment to Racial Equity and Belonging

College Prep aims to fully live its mission as a place where every student can feel cared for, equitably supported, and prepared to participate in the creation of a more racially just world. As the School builds on and expands this critical work, we continue to reflect, learn, and grow. 
Building on College Prep’s existing equity framework and the Racial Equity Commitments affirmed by the School’s Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Dean of Equity and Belonging work with the School community to catalyze and guide this work. Our approach to this work includes: 

  • Making space for candid dialogue with stakeholders in our community.
  • Consciously bringing in varied racial, ethnic, and queer perspectives.
  • Providing students with a four-year curriculum that centers wellness, belonging, social impact, and social justice.
  • Facilitating regular anti-bias and anti-racist training for our faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees.

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