Thư viện

The Bernhard Library offers a safe haven for the academic growth of all Prep students. By providing university-level research databases and a full-time instruction librarian, the Library ensures that our students are prepared to be informed successful critical thinkers.
In addition to our sizable physical and e-collection of fiction and non-fiction books, we offer in-class instruction and one-on-one research consultations to ensure students feel comfortable and confident throughout the research process.

Danh sách 2 thành viên.

  • Photo of Sarah Hernandez

    Sarah Hernandez 

    Head Librarian
    510-652-0111 x 229
  • Cô Peggie Hamilton

    Library Goddess
    510-652-0111 x229

Trường Dự bị Đại học

mens conscia recti (đàn ông conscia recti)

một tâm trí nhận thức được những gì là đúng