Kể từ khi thành lập vào năm 1986, Chương trình Đối tác đã thấm nhuần trong học sinh trung học oakland một niềm vui học tập, giúp những học sinh đạt được một sự hiểu biết về các cơ hội giáo dục có sẵn cho họ, và trang bị cho họ những kỹ năng, kỷ luật tự giác và các nguồn lực cần thiết để thực hiện các mục tiêu này.
The Partners Program consists of three distinct components: Summer Academy (SA), Academic Year Mentoring (AYM), and the High School Advising program (HSA). All programs are free for the family.

Danh sách 2 thành viên.

  • Ảnh của Samuel Beltran

    Ông Samuel Beltran

    Giám đốc, Chương trình Đối tác
  • Photo of Kevin Ugalde

    Kevin Ugalde 

    Partners Program Manager
    510-652-0111 x270

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Summer Academy (SA)

Scholars enter The Partners Program as rising 7th graders. Each summer, scholars take core courses in math and English, STEAM classes such as visual arts, modern dance, engineering and coding, and a course in social and emotional learning that includes topics such as identity, wellness, financial literacy and decision-making. Classes are academically rigorous and designed to spark Scholars’ curiosity and cultivate their love of learning. Scholars also participate in elective club activities, outdoor sports, and field trips to explore the Bay Area.

The mentoring relationship is central to Partners. Classes are taught by a professional teacher and two high school or college-level assistant teachers. Partners nurtures a strong connection with its Scholars and a growing number return to serve as assistant teachers and as college interns.

Academic Year Mentoring (AYM)

During the academic year, Scholars meet once-a-week with their mentor who supports their learning, confidence, and school engagement. A mentor tutorial may include reviewing class notes and previous tests and preparing for standardized exams. From January through May, Scholars also enjoy after-school elective workshops, such as Debate and Forensics, Music, Drawing and Visual Arts, and Digital Media.

High School Advising (HSA)

Partners works with each 8th grade Scholar and their family to identify high schools that best fit their learning trajectory. Our staff accompanies families on high school visits, assists with transcript materials, letters of recommendation, and financial aid applications. In addition, Partners offers standardized test-taking workshops and interview simulations.

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