building community

Building a community where everyone belongs is essential to a meaningful education. In College Prep’s collaborative environment, students take risks, engage deeply, and appreciate the gifts of others. Through spirited all school gatherings, clubs focused on shared interests, and affinity groups, College Prep creates space for students to authentically express themselves. The School encourages community members to act on their beliefs, collectively creating an inclusive environment that lives its commitment to equity, empathy, cultural competence, and respect.


Fun and play are a core part of College Prep’s culture, helping students embrace the elements of a balanced life. College Prep is infused with school spirit through weekly student-led assemblies, special events, and more than 60 clubs on campus. The Spirit Committee is a group of students elected by their peers to organize special theme days and spirit weeks during which students discover the joy and connectedness that makesCollege Prep a vibrant community. 

Spirit also shines through the athletics program. Whether representing College Prep by playing on one of the school’s 24 teams, packing the gym to cheer on classmates, or riding in a fan van to away games, athletics are central to student life.

diversity, equity, and belonging

College Prep commits energy and resources to creating a transformative learning environment where each student is cared for, supported, and prepared to participate in the creation of a more racially just world. The Dean of Equity and Belonging mentors student leaders, spearheads the effort to infuse the curriculum with diverse perspectives, and creates opportunities for education and reflection within our adult community.

Students engage in awareness raising, advocacy, and meaningful action for social justice and service leadership. Student equity leaders serve as guides and facilitators who design and plan a wide range of programs, including affinity groups, an annual equity conference, service days, and community-wide initiatives. Two students are elected to the student council to represent the cohort of 20 affinity and identity-based clubs.

student leaders

There are myriad leadership opportunities that support the individuality of our community members and our egalitarian school culture.

Danh sách 5 mặt hàng.

  • Hội học sinh

    Student Council serves as an advisory body for the school administration, sharing the student perspective on issues ranging from school rules to events and programming. Student Council also organizes school-wide activities including dances, theme days, and spirit weeks. Composed of two representatives from each grade, co-presidents, a secretary/treasurer, two Affinity and Identity-Based Representatives, and four members of the Spirit Committee, all positions on the Student Council are determined by elections. Student Council meets twice a week; all students and faculty are welcome to attend.
  • Ủy ban Tư pháp

    Các Ủy ban Tư pháp là một cơ quan tư vấn bao gồm các sinh viên và giảng viên gặp gỡ thường xuyên để kiểm tra cách tốt nhất để thấm nhuần mens conscia recti (một tâm trí nhận thức được những gì là đúng) trong cộng đồng của chúng tôi. Dựa trên kinh nghiệm của riêng họ, cũng như từ các cuộc họp với các chuyên gia pháp lý và đạo đức, Ủy ban Tư pháp dẫn đầu các cuộc thảo luận cộng đồng về giá trị của các quy tắc và kỷ luật đối với College Prep. Ủy ban cũng trả lời các cuộc gọi từ chính quyền để đưa ra các khuyến nghị để đáp ứng với các trường hợp kỷ luật học sinh. Các sinh viên được bầu ngang hàng và các giảng viên có tiếng nói bình đẳng trong các cuộc thảo luận và đưa ra các khuyến nghị.
  • Ủy ban Chương trình giảng dạy

    The Curriculum Committee is composed of two students each from the junior and senior classes, faculty members chosen to represent each academic department and the faculty at large, the Director of Curriculum Innovation and Research, the Dean of Equity and Belonging, the Director of Educational Technology, and the Director of Athletics. The Assistant Head / Academic Dean chairs the committee, which serves primarily as a recommending body to the Head and is charged with responding to academic and programmatic issues that have whole-school impact, proposing the shape and substance of the academic program, raising awareness of important trends in teaching and learning, reviewing proposals for new courses, and vetting independent study and semester/year abroad programs for individual students.
  • Equity Roundtable

    Leaders of our affinity and identity based clubs make up our Equity Roundtable.
  • Lãnh đạo câu lạc bộ

    Club Leaders are students who lead the many different clubs and interest groups on campus. They draft a Statement of Purpose for the club and run meetings, events, and activities.

Student mentors

Mentorship is woven throughout athletics, clubs, advising, peer-tutoring, Common Classroom, and partnerships with outside organizations.

Danh sách 6 mặt hàng.

  • CAP Mentors

    The Connections and Advising Program (CAP) supports all ninth grade students as they transition to high school through weekly small-group sessions led by faculty advisors and senior student mentors. CAP Seniors help ease the transition to College Prep by organizing social gatherings and supporting the 9th graders throughout the year. Working with the CAP faculty advisors, they help the 9th graders acclimate to a new environment, develop strong study skills, and deepen their understanding of equity, inclusion, and belonging. CAP seniors lead 9th grade retreat. 
  • Math Squad

    Math Squad is a student-run club focused on peer tutoring for math. Mentors work one-on-one with students to prepare for tests, review homework problems, and reinforce new concepts from class.
  • Partners Mentors

    Mentors are paired one-on-one with scholars in The Partners Program Summer Academy and Academic Year after school tutoring programs for Oakland public middle school students. Mentors are trained to support scholars’ homework, build study skills, and teach co-curricular classes. Mentors meet weekly with their scholars throughout the school year and daily during the four week Summer Academy. Learn more about the Partners Program.
  • PHIRE Seniors

    Peer Health Initiatives, Resources and Education (PHIRE) seniors serve as peer mentors and provide resources on campus. In Wellness & Belonging class, they model what it is to be in a healthy community and collaborate with the Wellness and Belonging Coordinator to ensure a dynamic and creative experience for our students. PHIRE Seniors co-facilitate the  sophomore retreat.
  • Huấn luyện viên viết

    The Writing Coaches provide one-on-one assistance and group workshops on topics related to grammar and writing. The English Department faculty select these talented, dedicated 11th and 12th graders from an applicant pool, train the coaches, and supervise their work throughout the year.
  • Đại sứ tuyển sinh

    Admission Ambassadors represent College Prep at events such as campus tours, fairs, student panels, and more. Approximately 40 students in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades receive training to become ambassadors.

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