clubs, action, and affinity groups

Clubs, action, and affinity groups thrive on campus. Students leaders at College Prep have created a wide range of service and experiential learning programs for the community that are accessible to and appropriate for persons of all experience and interest levels to engage in awareness raising, effective advocacy, and meaningful action for social justice and service leadership. Early in the year the school holds a Clubs Fair so that students can learn about and join the clubs that interest them, or they can start their own.

Mối quan hệ & Hoạt động

List of 26 items.

  • Hiệp hội người Mỹ gốc Á

    AAA thúc đẩy sự hiện diện của châu Á tham gia tại College Prep. Chúng tôi kỷ niệm ngày lễ, xem phim, tìm hiểu công thức nấu ăn, tổ chức các cuộc thảo luận, và ăn thức ăn tuyệt vời với nhau. Mục tiêu câu lạc bộ của chúng tôi là đoàn kết cộng đồng châu Á tại College Prep, đồng thời chia sẻ văn hóa của chúng tôi với những người khác. Tất cả mọi người, châu Á hay không, được chào đón tham gia.
  • Hội sinh viên da đen

    BSU của College Preplà một không gian cho lễ kỷ niệm, kiểm tra, và thảo luận của người da đen và người Mỹ gốc Phi trong quá khứ và hiện tại. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là tạo ra và duy trì một cộng đồng nơi sinh viên da đen không cảm thấy cô đơn và có thể tự hào về bản sắc của họ bằng cách:
    • Trao quyền cho các nhà lãnh đạo sinh viên
    • Nâng cao nhận thức về các sự kiện xung quanh các vấn đề chính
    • Vận động hiệu quả cho nhu cầu của học sinh  
    • Hành động hiệu quả để ngăn chặn bắt nạt, phân biệt đối xử, quấy rối và các hành vi bạo lực khác 

    Chúng tôi tham gia vào các hành động sau đây như là một minh chứng cho cam kết của chúng tôi đối với một thực hành công bằng và bao gồm: 
    • Hợp tác với các đối tác như Liên đoàn Chống Phỉ báng (ADL) để đảm bảo một cộng đồng vui vẻ, tử tế, đa dạng và sáng tạo cho tất cả mọi người
    • Tạo ra các chương trình truyền cảm hứng và trao quyền cho mọi người để xây dựng một cộng đồng tử tế, sáng tạo, đa dạng và vui vẻ
    • Trau dồi nhận thức, thực hành và kỹ năng của chúng tôi với sự công bằng và bao gồm đào tạo cụ thể
  • Câu lạc bộ Văn hóa Trung Quốc

    To share Chinese history and culture and promote greater understanding and inclusivity within the CPS community. To inform the community on pressing issues facing Chinese Americans, especially those that aren’t represented in the media, and encourage dialogue.
  • Climate Crew

    Climate crew is a club devoted to hindering the effects of climate change through local service work. We focus on making climate and environmental-related volunteering opportunities more accessible to the College Prep community by partnering with local organizations. Get involved! Your planet needs you!
  • Nhóm hành động cộng đồng: Công lý thực phẩm

    The mission of Community Action Team (CAT): Food Justice is to spread awareness about issues of food (in)justice and to promote volunteering within our community. Students work alongside organizations like Planting Justice that center marginalized communities in their efforts to cultivate food justice.
  • CPS Promoting Animal Welfare

    CPS PAW is a club centered around animal volunteerism. In addition to on campus activities like pet toy making, fundraising bake sales, and blanket drives, we will bring small groups to volunteer at an animal shelter nearby. Come out if you like dogs and cats!
  • DIRT

    We will build a community garden on campus.
  • Liên minh nữ quyền

    The Feminist Union at College Prep is a space for the discussion of sexism and how it has both currently and historically affected different groups of people and their daily lives. Our goal is to establish a community where those who misogyny has historically marginalized can take pride in their identities. We aim to explore the history of feminism and its applications to contemporary issues including intersectionality. We also aim to provide a space where students feel supported and heard, while seeking opportunities for activism within College Prep and the broader community.
  • Filipino Student Association

    Filipino Student Association aims to introduce Filipino culture to non-Filipino students and cultivate a safe and fun space for Filipino students to bond and learn about our own culture. We will also discuss Filipino history and its effects on present Filipino society and culture.
  • Câu lạc bộ nâng cao nhận thức về tình dục giới

    Câu lạc bộ Nhận thức về Giới và Tình dục (GSA) cố gắng tạo ra một không gian an toàn cho sinh viên và những người khác để khám phá bản sắc và biểu hiện một cách an toàn theo cách nuôi dưỡng và làm phong phú thêm tất cả mọi người. Chúng tôi mong muốn giáo dục và nâng cao nhận thức trong cộng đồng College Prep rộng lớn hơn, thúc đẩy một môi trường hòa nhập cho sinh viên của tất cả các giới tính và tình dục.
  • Đội Xanh lá cây

    Hãy đến ăn mừng và bảo vệ môi trường với Green Team! Nhóm xanh mang College Prep lại với nhau thông qua các sự kiện thú vị để truyền bá nhận thức về các vấn đề môi trường và sự liên quan của chúng đối với cuộc sống của chúng ta và hành động để giúp giảm thiểu những vấn đề đó.
  • Humanitarian Club

    A coalition of students interested in bettering our communities through a variety of volunteering opportunities and welfare contributions.
  • International Club

    The International Club seeks to provide a safe space for all members of the international community. Be it as an immigrant, first second or even third generation, the club creates and environment where your culture can be celebrated and appreciated. The International Club seeks to be a rainbow coalition where people hailing from all countries can seek information regarding other cultures as well as international news and events that are not reported domestically in the United States. Furthermore, the International Club encourages students to bring pieces of their heritage to all of our meetings, and allows for students to present and share the cultures and traditions of their homelands.
  • Japanese Culture Club

    Japanese Culture Club strives to educate the College Prep community on Japanese customs and history while celebrating Japanese heritage. From discussions on current events to hosting holiday events, JCC has so much to offer in both affinity and all school spaces!
  • Jewish Student Union

    The Jewish Student Union aims to create spaces where Jews at College Prep can connect with each other, have discussions, and celebrate being Jewish while also sharing our values and culture with the wider College Prep community.
  • Câu lạc bộ Hàn Quốc

    Câu lạc bộ Hàn Quốc hoạt động để không chỉ tôn vinh văn hóa Hàn Quốc thông qua ẩm thực, phim ảnh và trò chơi, mà còn để nâng cao nhận thức về lịch sử Hàn Quốc và các vấn đề xã hội. Từ việc tổ chức một hội thảo làm kimbap đến trình bày một bản trình chiếu về chủ đề phụ nữ thoải mái, Câu lạc bộ Hàn Quốc là nơi để chia sẻ thời gian qua yêu thích cũng như là nơi để thảo luận về các vấn đề quan trọng.
  • Câu lạc bộ Latinx

    Our mission is to foster a safe and welcoming environment for members of the College Prep community who are LatinX. We aim to do this by offering affinity spaces for LatinX students and offering meetings open to the whole campus that celebrate LatinX cultures.
  • Hiệp hội sinh viên Hồi giáo

    The Muslim Student Association is a student body dedicated to providing a space for College Prep Muslim students to practice their faith comfortably. We provide a space for prayer and a space for discussions involving the Muslim community and other intersectional communities, as well as discussions regarding elements of the Islamic faith and its history.
  • Native American Culture Club

    Step into the rich tapestry of Native American heritage and join our Native American Culture Club! We are a passionate and welcoming community dedicated to celebrating and preserving the diverse and vibrant traditions of Indigenous peoples across North America. Our club serves as a bridge to foster understanding, appreciation, and respect for Native American cultures.
  • Neurodiverse Affinity Group

    A space were neurodiverse students can come to together to safely talk about their experiences and brainstorm ideas to improve their experience at College Prep. Additionally, we hope to educate others who are neurotypical.
  • Shelter

    Shelter is a volunteer program at College Prep. Every other Saturday morning, we bring a group to St. Vincent De Paul's in Oakland to prepare meals. Tasks involve cooking, packing, and serving. It's the best way to have fun with your friends and give back to your community. No advanced cooking skills required! 
  • Liên minh Nam Á

    The South Asian Alliance serves as a space to celebrate and discuss South Asian culture at College Prep by doing work which ranges from festival celebrations to discussions about racism to fundraisers. The goal of the club is to create and sustain an environment which allows South Asian students to feel comfortable in their skin and heritage, and foster a community which is accepting of all cultural traditions, not just those belonging to South Asia. We aim to represent both those from all South Asian countries and their diasporas.
  • Stooping Club

    Do you like freebies? Ever seen piles of free stuff on the curb while walking your dog? Have you considered looking for secondhand items instead of purchasing them for hundreds of dollars? If so, you should join Stooping Club! We reclaim seemingly ordinary objects and give them a new home and purpose. From saving “abandoned junk” like school supplies, books, Legos, bedding, cookware, and furniture to street gems such as antique china or even pianos, stooping can change lifestyles. We seek to minimize our wasteful buying habits and landfill contributions by discovering the discarded beauty all around us. Stooping offers an eco-friendly and affordable opportunity to not just find the things we are looking for but also to turn those items into treasures for people within the community. We host online flea/free markets, auctions, and other forums to share our scavenging successes with the school. All proceeds are donated to local charities.  
  • Student with Disabilities Club

    This is a community space for students with physical, medical, or mental disability.
  • Sinh viên với cuộc sống giữa các chủng tộc

    Our mission is to provide a space for and about mixed race students to discuss what being mixed means to them, and how it affects their lives. We wanted to provide this space because the very real and visible reality of race in America is important to address not just through a binary lens. Although spaces where multi-ethnic and cultural people can meet, race has a political significance that is often talked about in terms of one single group, and only identified with that group. We believe that race is a social construct set up to enforce a white supremacist system, but we also need to function within a system before we can change it.
  • Taiwan Club

    Dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive space that celebrates the rich heritage and contemporary spirit of Taiwan. Through thought-provoking discussions, cultural and culinary showcases, and more, we strive to create a community where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to learn and appreciate the beautiful island nation of Taiwan.

politics & economics

Danh sách 8 mặt hàng.

  • Behavioral Economics Club

    We strive to learn about this emerging field of economics through presentations, discussions, and case studies.
  • Crypto Club

    Spreading education about the expansive world of crypto currencies, NFT's, the Metaverse, and more. Note: this club and the information provided is for educational purposes ONLY. We are not offering any financial/investing advice and we are not responsible for any decisions members of our club make.
  • Câu lạc bộ sự kiện hiện tại

    Current Events Club highlights ongoing political, economic, and social events occurring around the world to promote a greater understanding of the news we see every day. By hosting meetings to share information and facilitate discourse, we hope to help our community learn and practice going beyond the headlines.
  • Economics, Policy and Externalities

    A negative externality is defined as an issue that one party produces but another feels the effects of. Our club focuses on how different economists approach a solution for important externalities like climate change, industrial pollution and even antibiotic resistance. We will function partly as a book club to digest and discuss harder works, and the club will tie in to a series of common classroom lectures to make our learning more efficient. As we careen towards an uncertain future, it is important to look at practical solutions that can remediate some of the damage caused by irresponsibly informed decisions in our economy. At Economics, Policy and Externalities Club, we hope to do just that.
  • Câu lạc bộ Đầu tư & Tài chính

    Để tìm hiểu và giúp người khác tìm hiểu về cách thức hoạt động của thị trường và kỹ thuật đầu tư thông qua thực hành và thực hiện thực tế cuộc sống.
  • Model United Nations Club

    College Prep Model United Nations strives to create an interactive simulation of the United Nations to foster skills such as diplomacy, speech, and negotiation. Our goal is to interest students in the developments of current events and international politics through community forums so that they can bring their opinions to the floor with great organization and enthusiasm.
  • Social Entrepreneurship Club

    Calling all entrepreneurs who want to make an impact on their community! At Social Entrepreneurship Club, we hope to foster innovation, creativity, entrepreneurial thinking, and action. For our meetings, you can expect an inclusive and welcoming space for idea-pitching workshops, critic sessions, guest speakers, and even an elevator pitch competition (Cougar Cage) open to the whole school—we hope to see you there!
  • Students for Healthcare Policy, Legislation, and Transformation

    Students for Healthcare Policy, Legislation, and Transformation (SHPLAT) is a club aimed at educating and advocating for student-aged utilizers of the US healthcare system (ie, everyone of student age). We aim to educate on both contemporary policy and its socio-politico-historical roots, as well as advocate for policy/legislation change and transformation for the betterment of all US inhabitants.


List of 18 items.

  • American Sign Language Club

    We're a club made up of ASL learners, working together to learn a new language and open a new avenue of communication for all members! Along with vocabulary lessons and grammar games, we hope to welcome new members and learn a bit more about Deaf culture with movie/show watches that center around d/Deaf and HoH stories, creators, and actors.
  • Baking Club

    Baking Club is a celebration of baking and pastry and all things sweet and savory. We will introduce baking as a source of joy for our school's students. We hope this club empowers beginners to bake with more confidence and enjoyment, as well as provide a community and welcome challenge for seasoned bakers. Some our events include cookie exchanges, Piesgiving, tea parties, technical workshops, and so much more.
  • Bird Club

    Bird Club aims to bring people together to learn about, conserve, celebrate, and watch birds. Whether you're just casually curious or a seasoned bird nerd, we'd love to have you! We'll discuss a wide range of ornithological topics, watch documentaries, and go birding.
  • Chess Club

    Whether you're an avid chess lover or just getting acquainted with the pieces, chess club is the right place for you! We hope to bring together a community of chess players and nurture a love and appreciation for the game. Community events include school-wide tournaments, common classroom activities, and both casual and lecture-style club meetings.
  • Climbing Club

    Climbing Club aims to bring together a community of rock climbers —experienced and new alike—in fun, casual, and informative meetings.
  • Cubing Club

    In Cubing Club, students challenge themselves by learning to solve Rubik's cubes. We aim to build community by teaching, challenging, and learning from each other, as well as improving our problem-solving skills and ingenuity. For more invested members, we help them get faster and refine their techniques. We also offer opportunities to compete officially and unofficially.
  • Fencing Club

    Our goal is to educate our fellow peers on an exhilarating and somewhat dangerous sport! We will watch some cool videos, and even get the chance to check out, and maybe even use, some real fencing equipment! 
  • Fitness Club

    We promote fitness, lifting, and how to live a healthier lifestyle. We teach and create a fitness environment where people can exercise to their muscle's content.
  • Gimkit Club

    Gimkit Club provides a space for students to study and learn with the beautiful tool known as Gimkit. Gimkit functions as the world's premier learning tool, combining vocab games and friendly competition to maximize everyone's educational experience. We host study sessions and trivia common classrooms, allowing all to truly benefit from the wonderful world of Gimkit.
  • Granny Club

    Granny Club promotes upcycling, creativity, sustainability, and a cozy space on campus for crafting. Join us for a lovely time partaking in granny-related activities including sewing, crocheting and knitting, chit-chat, and tea and cookies. Learn to up-cycle clothes, crochet bags, knot friendship bracelets, and more with fellow aspiring grannies. Zero crafting experience necessary! 
  • Grub Club

    We embark on a journey to find the Bay Area’s best fast food items. We eat, rate, and sometimes make food.
  • Hawaiian Time

    A club to teach students about Hawaii, including the history, culture, language, and more. Meetings will be watching informative slideshows about all different Hawaiian topics. We welcome people who have no prior knowledge of Hawaii, this club is here to teach everybody and anybody.
  • Magic: the Gathering Club

    Magic: the Gathering is a trading card game that has been around for 30 years. Our goal is to provide a safe space where both new players and veterans can play, explore, and learn the game. We will play a variety of different formats, namely among Commander, casual 60 card format without an banlist (unless we need one), and limited.
  • Poker Club

    An opportunity to play poker during school and have fun.
  • Puzzling & Tea

    Puzzling & Tea is the perfect place for you if you love to do puzzles, drink tea, discuss new developments in the puzzling world, hang out with your friends, or all of the above! 
  • Soccer Club

    Joga bonito, ”The Beautiful Game,” is open to all. As the world’s most popular sport, soccer or fùtbol carries meaning for all types of people. In soccer club, we strive to create a space where we will explore current, relevant trends and events in the sport along with important historical moments.
  • The Breakfast Club

    A monthly brunch and everyone is welcome to join us to eat fruit, waffles, and sip coffee.
  • Volleyball Club

    We want to improve our skills in volleyball while also having fun


List of 15 items.

  • Album Club

    Lovers of music and those wishing to expand their taste, this club is for you! Each week we’ll discuss an album submitted by a member of the club that we listened to over the previous week. We’ll talk about our favorite and least favorite songs, analyze the music and lyrics, and overall have an interesting but low-stakes discussion about the qualities of the album. Don’t be afraid to join, no matter your relationship with music and music analysis!
  • ArtsMag

    ArtsMag’s mission is to celebrate the diverse artistic skills and backgrounds of the members of the College Prep community. Every year, the student-run ArtsMag team collects art submissions from College Prep students and formats them all on Adobe InDesign to be printed as an art magazine. During the last week of school, the magazines are distributed to the community for everyone’s enjoyment.
  • Classical Music Club

    The Classical Music Club at College-Prep is designed to be a casual, comfortable space for students (and faculty!) to share and discuss the sounds of Classical music and the lives of composers.
  • Conversational Spanish Club

    This club is conducted 100% in Spanish! Our goal is to create an immersive space for people who are looking for more opportunities to speak Spanish at school. We'll talk about anything from pop culture to  wherever your interests lie. Come join us weekly to chat and enjoy a variety of Latin American snacks. Any experience level is welcome!
  • Câu lạc bộ nấu ăn

    We are club dedicated to sharing the joy of cooking and eating with the College Prep community. To achieve this goal, we host baking competitions, food tastings, and cooking show viewings, to name a few events.
  • Câu lạc bộ viết sáng tạo

    A place for students to explore writing for pleasure without pressure. We encourage anyone to join, whether they love to write, or just want to try something new.
  • Film Photography Club

    Film Photography Club celebrates the vibrant and rich history, and modern uses, of the art of film photography. From Super 8 to the behemoth “Buffalo and Butterflies” camera, capable of shooting a 6 foot x 24 foot negative, we celebrate them all. Join us as we explore the history of film and even go out to shoot and develop some of our own!
  • Granny Club

    Granny Club makes time to relax, chat, work, and brag about the accomplishments of our grandkids on our granny-related projects —including crochet, knitting, and sewing! Learn to make bags, hats, sweaters and more with other aspiring grannies. No crafting experience necessary. Being a grandmother is also not required, but is strongly encouraged. Hooks, yarn, and fabric will be provided, but bringing your own granny-related project is encouraged—all crafting projects are welcome. 
  • Câu lạc bộ Latinh

    Latin Club is a place for everyone who has a passion for history, literature, language, and the ancient world to play trivia games, watch movies, and geek out about grammar (and, occasionally, Monty Python). Latin experience is not required, but nerdery is!
  • Leatherworking Club

    Leatherworking club celebrates the ancient and beautiful tradition of crafting with leather. Not only will we celebrate this tradition, but we will practice it as well! Join us over the course of the year to learn to care for leather and create wallets, bags, belts, and more. There is space for those of all levels of leather workers, from beginners to masters, to learn and share their creations.
  • Movement & Making Creative Arts Club

    Here, creative artistic expression is valued and appreciated. We aim to foster a fun environment in which the College Prep community can enjoy exploring different styles of art (visual, dance, music, etc.) without having to commit to an elective, while bonding with people across all different grade levels! Everyone is welcome—we host field trips, painting murals, and more.
  • Poetry Club

    The world we occupy is beset with tragedy and questions without answers, but we shall march in nevertheless, hoping that we can use our words and writing to empower those around us, to speak out against injustice, and to share our art. This is what it means to be a teen amidst chaos and change. This is how it feels to be young. 
  • Quiz Bowl

    On the College Prep Quiz Bowl team, students work together in a fast-paced, high-stakes trivia competition to answer academic questions spanning from literature to history and science. We host weekly competitions during Common Classrooms, participate in local and regional tournaments, and host school-wide Quiz Bowl challenges, with the goal of expanding our knowledge of trivia and having a blast along the way.
  • World Languages Club

    The World Languages Club aims to foster a learning environment for language and culture by encouraging communication in languages besides English, as well as educate others on the diverse communities across the world. With a focus on Spanish, we hope to make dedicated meetings relating to diverse cultures and open spaces for tutoring and questions on course material learned in school to give our community the chance to deepen their knowledge and interest in language learning.
  • Zine Club

    Asafe and casual space to share art, stories, and ideas through zines. If you like to create, come and join us!


Danh sách 7 mặt hàng.

  • Biomimicry Club

    To learn about and be inspired by the strategies of nature in designing and developing solutions to humanity's challenges.
  • Computer Science Team

    The Computer Science Team is a fun space for people with a common interest in learning about computer science and programming. We prepare together and compete in several computer science competitions, but the club is open to people with all levels of competitive interest and experience.
  • Kids Teach Tech

    This club is the College Prep chapter of Kids Teach Tech, Kids Teach Tech empowers youth to seize the technology opportunities of their future. We enable students to become teachers who create and teach programming and technology classes for their community. Find more information at
  • Makers' Club

    Makers' Club is a gathering of people who like to build! No experience is necessary—we hope to create a space where everyone can use the xLab for individual and large club projects. We will host 3D printer, laser cutting certifications, and Ultimaker Cura information sessions while sharpening our skills through 3D additive manufacturing, laser cutting, metal-work & computer engineering projects. Club Website: | Direct Contact:
  • Câu lạc bộ Toán học

    Math Club is the place where you grow your passion for mathematics! Throughout the year, we participate in a slew of competitions. While some events emphasize speed, others focus more on creative thinking and collaboration, aspects that hold greater value to us than any form of competitive success. In the end, we hope to help you find laughter endlessly in the math we experience in our daily lives—the number plates on cars, the sinusoidal waves of sound, the structural designs of modern museums.
  • Robotics

    Câu lạc bộ robot College Prep cung cấp cho sinh viên tiếp xúc với robot cạnh tranh. Mở cửa cho sinh viên quen thuộc và mới như nhau, robot giúp sinh viên tìm hiểu các nguyên tắc cơ bản của việc xây dựng robot (thường là để cạnh tranh) và cũng là một không gian tập thể cho sinh viên đến với nhau và tìm hiểu làm thế nào để xây dựng, chương trình, và quản lý một nhóm.
  • Olympic Khoa học

    Olympic Khoa học là một tổ chức STEM, nơi học sinh chuẩn bị và cạnh tranh trong các cuộc thi khoa học trên khắp Bắc California trong năm học. Các sự kiện cạnh tranh bao gồm từ việc xây dựng thủy phi cơ đến nghiên cứu các thành tạo đá ở Sierras. Olympic Khoa học là một cách thú vị, hấp dẫn để khám phá các lĩnh vực khoa học với các bạn cùng lớp khác.
QUAN TRỌNG: College Prep không chịu trách nhiệm cho bất kỳ sự kiện ngoài khuôn viên trường được tổ chức bởi các câu lạc bộ sinh viên.

Trường Dự bị Đại học

mens conscia recti (đàn ông conscia recti)

một tâm trí nhận thức được những gì là đúng