NAIS People of Color Conference (PoCC)

Liset Cruz Garcia

Such a powerful experience! It is not so much about what you will learn. It is an important conference for people of color to feel in community, to talk about our experiences, to learn and reflect about our position in this society and as teachers and leaders of independent schools. PoCC can help direct your efforts in a more clear path, and even bring up to the table what you have or have not been doing. And make plans for it. It is inspiring, motivating and maybe mobilizing. We had the opportunity to hear excellent speakers. A shout out to Suzanne Barakat for sharing with us her story and her fight. I felt immensely fortunate to be there and listen to her. My experience and what other people share with me did move me to do more for the Latine community here at CPS. And I am taking steps to do so.
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